Have you ever rushed to the store, but didn't have time to plan the grocery list before you left? It's easy to get caught in the rush of trying to get ready to leave: looking for lost shoes, washing little faces, picking up dirty socks, finding the car keys, making peace between siblings, and finally getting everyone into their car seats. Now you've made it to the store, but don't have a clue what to buy because you don't know what your making for dinner. Every one is hungry and their begging to buy everything. So you load up on quick ready-made junk food. Then head for the check out before some one starts screaming. You hope that today you can make it out of the store while things are calm and you are still in control of the situation.
Then the total. It hits you every time. How expensive can it get? You know there has to be a better way. So you resolve to plan ahead next time. You are determined to plan the meals and grocery list carefully before going to the store again. But you get home. Baby's crying. Brother stubs his toe. Sister is unwrapping everything that looks good. By the time you get the groceries all hauled in and put away, the idea of planning ahead has been completely forgotten. Maybe after the children are in bed and the house is quiet you'll do that planning you were planning to do.
Now that their all asleep your ready to plan the meals, right? No, it has entirely left your mind. Breakfast is the farthest thing from your mind as you sink exhausted into your bed.
Don't you wish that planning could all be done for you, the lists written and ready to go? Now they are. For 100 days every meal is already planned and the grocery lists prepared. Now you know just what to buy and what to make for every meal for 100 days. Get your Menu in a Box and cut the worry, hassle, and expense of getting healthy meals to your family three times a day.
Edible Manipulatives
Have you ever counted how many m&m's are in a bag? Try it with your
children, preschoolers on up to fifth graders. They'll love it! Make an
estimate. How m...
14 years ago
Sounds nice but a preview would be nice.